Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The *deal* is out in the open

And after we read, in the report Ruchir linked to earlier, Bindra himself casting doubt on the Abu Dhabi triseries, comes the 'refusal' from PCB. Anyway, leaving aside who got the 'credit' for pulling out first, it seems that the new options are North America, Malaysia, Singapore or even India.

And btw, Bindra himself said that they have a commitment to help WIndies board, after getting their support in the bid. One wonders where's the sly, back-room dealing...if he's openly confirming it?

Ofcourse that part puts me in a doubt, are they still planning to play Australia or would helping WIndies board mean playing the WI team (which would be...umm... a bit strange, although not anything new, given that we would just have come back from a full tour of the WI). I just hope they somehow include Aussies, who are also looking for some sort of warmup for the CT preparations, in their plans. Would love to see the new improved Indian team play 2-3 matches against the Aussies...sort of....an acid test of *real* improvement.


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